If you bought FotoKiss directly from our online store within the past 30 days, then we offer a 30 day refund policy. We will refund the full amount of your purchase. If you purchased the software longer than 30 days ago and would like a refund, please send us more information along with your request. To request a refund, simply use the “Contact Us” form on this website to send us a message with the following information:
We would also appreciate any comments you may offer as to why you want a refund or how we can improve our product. However this is optional and not required to obtain a refund.
Simply put - we want happy customers! We try very hard to build a quality product that is free of defects. We want FotoKiss to be the best auction photo editor in the world. Because of this we welcome suggestions and criticisms from anyone. However we are realistic enough to know that our software is not going to be exactly what everyone is looking for. We offer a free trial of our product, but we know that many customers prefer to “buy it - then try it”. That is why we have a strong refund policy. If you buy FotoKiss and are not satisfied with it, then we want it back - and we will refund your money. This means you can buy FotoKiss with confidence.
Here is an article that expresses some of our thoughts about refunds: |
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